How to reset network settings in Windows

If you can't connect to the internet on your PC or laptop, here's how to reset network settings in Windows.

First, though, try and establish where the fault lies. Can other devices in the house get online? Can you load websites via a different web browser? If the answer to both is no, chances are your broadband connection is down, or the router needs resetting. Try powering off your router and restarting it a minute later. For more, see How to fix broadband connection problems

If the issue seems to be limited to Internet Explorer, it could be that a proxy server has been set - maybe without your knowledge. We explain separately how to change proxyfone settings in IE

Alternatively, it could be a software or hardware problem with your computer's network adapter. Often, restarting your computer will fix this, but you can also make sure Windows is fully up to date by opening the Control Panel from the Start Menu and searching for 'Windows Update'.
How to reset network settings in Windows 10
If you have Windows 10, open the new Settings app by clicking the cog icon on the Start menu. Click on Network & internet. It should open on the Status page, but if not, click Status at the top of the menu in the left-hand pane.

Scroll down on the right until you see Network reset. Click this and you'll see a button to 'Reset now'.

In other versions of Windows, you can open the Control Panel from the Start menu, go to Network and Internet and then Network Connections. You'll see something like this:

Select the appropriate adaptor - Ethernet if you have a network cable connected to your computer or Wi-Fi if you usually connect to your router wireless - and right-click on it. Click Disable. Then double-click on it to enable it again. This often fixes connection problems, but you can also select a connection and hit the Delete key on your keyboard to remove it.

To reinstall it, go to Device Manager in the Control Panel and press the 'Scan for hardware changes' icon - circled below - to find it and Windows should automatically install its drivers.

For More Information:-  Jim Martin


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