Introduce Your Business with ProxyFone for Communication and Management

Have you ever imagine how many calls that a boss have to take or make each day to make their business may run in the effective and appropriate manner? If out of several calls per day, might there will be possibilities to pick or reject call according to demand and time as without proper communication no proper message could be conveyed to make the work carried out in an effective manner.

So, after understanding the importance of telephone communication and features related, must be added such that smooth two-way communication could carry out, tried to come up with latest technologies inbuilt in the telephony system. ProxyFone is a leading provider of cloud-based unified communications that come up with PBX IVR solution and CRM systems integrate with CTI systems that help to provide limitless boundaries of the telephony system.

For many CTI system and IVR solution must be new or may have once familiar with these features in life, but may not have come up with a technical name. With features like IVR (interactive voice response) and CTI (computer telephony integration), ProxyFone tries to come up with all new basic features that are necessary to run the business in a successful manner. is a leading provider of cloud-based unified communications with certain unique features such as:
  • Replacement of telephony systems, communications networks, upgrade remote branches and extensions, changing the business perception in relation to customers, including a change in customer service and professionalism.
  • To perform migrations from Legacy analog system into an integrated system, or implement IVR solution, add dialers and CRM systems integrate with CTI systems, or to implement any other solution from the solutions of ProxyFone.

Apart from service features it also responsive to provide some others features that are as follow:
  • Multi-Level IVR Auto Attendants 
  • Support for multilevel branches/departments 
  • Multiple extensions per user account (different purpose numbers)

PBX features:
  • Auto Attendants 
  • Scheduled routing with time spans 
  • Ring Groups and Queuing 
  • Find me, follow me

Voicemail Features:
  • Individual user voicemail boxes
  • Voicemail to e-mail (MP3 file)
  • Personalized greetings per Caller ID

Shared Address Book:
  • Corporate Directory
  • Shared Address Book stored in the cloud
  • Private lists (not visible by others)

Presence / Instant Messaging:
  • Presence server
  • Chat and Group Chat
  • Multimedia file sharing

Other options:
  • Greetings management
  • DIDs, integration with API of major DID providers allowing for real time DID ordering
  • 911 support
  • Provisioning for SIP devices

This is few features by which you can easy get familiarizes as soon as you wish to take service of ProxyFone and set your business fortune in the proper direction. 


  1. Thanks ProxyFone to make my telephone communication so easy.

  2. Thanks ProxyFone for sharing value information.. From where i can found more about you??

  3. Company has helped relieve my phone stress so many times!! I have a business and need to make sure that my phone is working well at all times. He makes sure that he is available for me and always gives me an affordable prices . I can always rely on this company when I need help. Thank you ProxyFone for everything !!


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